SBDC Intel

Gather information about your industry’s target market and your customers with the help of our SBDC Intel team’s insights – all offered at no cost to you.

About SBDC Intel

SBDC Intel is a resource available to our clients to supply tools, analysis, and information to improve and optimize the decisions and performance of their business. The SBDC Intel team utilizes resources and databases including ESRI, ISBS World, Profitcents, US Census Bureau, and several others to gather intelligence. These intel reports, valued at $3,000-$5,000, better equip our consultants with detailed information to enhance, educate, and inform our clients.

Market Research

Market Research Reports

The SBDC Intel team gathers detailed business intelligence for clients related to their specific business/industry based on their NAICS code. This report provides clients with micro-level industry analysis, macro-level industry analysis, marketing insights and suitability analysis.

State of Small Business & Small Business Regional Assessments

The SBDC utilizes the top Economists at Cal State Fullerton to produce several economic reports around small businesses. These reports identify the OC/IE SBDC as the leading resource for all things small business and the economies around Small Business both at the state level but regional level as well.


SBDC Intel created CyberSafe to assist small business owners with data protection. Cybersafe provides our clients with toolkits, an assessment, a planner, and marketing collateral related to outreaching for small businesses.  Our team has partnered with companies including Microsoft and CASCADE to identify what makes small businesses susceptible to cyber attacks and the benefits of educating the small business community on becoming cyber safe.

Industry Analysis

The SBDC Intel provides clients with research reports on the business idea, considering industry overview, major market segmentation, and financial benchmark.

Market Insights

The SBDC Intel provides clients with research results of the target market, customer demographics, GIS mapping competition locator, and suitability analysis.

Ways We Can Help

team meeting and brainstorming

More Programs

Our suite of programs are designed to guide businesses in the early stages to receive the information, resources, and assistance necessary to enter their given market in just a few weeks.

Coworkers discussing business ideas.


At OCIE SBDC Network, our team of qualified consultants provide high-quality expertise to help your business succeed in both the short-term and long-term. We are a well-known provider of small business consulting, education, and resources.

Business documents with laptop on the workplace with group of business teamwork working


Find the tools you need to get your business up and running, with government resources, guides, templates, and more.

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