Home Events Financie Su Crecimiento: Préstamos Para Su Pequeña Empresa

Financie Su Crecimiento: Préstamos Para Su Pequeña Empresa

Únase a nosotros en este seminario web informativo, donde exploraremos las diversas opciones de financiamiento disponibles para las pequeñas empresas. Aprenda sobre los factores clave que influyen en la obtención de un préstamo y cómo prepararse para acceder al capital necesario para hacer crecer su negocio.

Agenda del Seminario:

– Fuentes típicas de financiamiento

– Las 5 ‘C’ del crédito empresarial

– ¿Está listo para un préstamo comercial?

– Proceso del préstamo

– Tipos de prestamistas


Apr 09 2025


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

More Info

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Financie Su Crecimiento: Préstamos Para Su Pequeña Empresa

Mike Daniel is the network director of the Orange County Inland Empire SBDC Network, which assists aspiring entrepreneurs and current business owners throughout Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Mike was formerly the director of the SBDC office at Long Beach City College. As business owner and entrepreneur himself, he started his career as the owner of a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory location in Manhattan Beach and went on to open a second location in Long Beach in 2001. In 2007, Mike sold the Manhattan Beach store for an above-market offer then invested in several additional locations as a minority shareholder. Mike further expanded his candy empire with venture located in Shoreline Village in Long Beach called Sugar Daddies Sweet Shoppe, based on fill-it yourself candy options.

Mike has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from California State University, Fullerton.