Ready to Start

Starting a business in California can be an overwhelming process. The OCIE SBDC is here to help.

What the OCIE SBDC Network can do for you.

From idea to your first sale, the OCIE SBDC Network is here to help you put all the pieces together to get your business off the ground. The SBDC startup pathway offers one-on-one consulting and training that is focused on planning for the start of your business. You will be guided by a team of experienced small business owners and industry experts who understand the intricacies of planning, operations, finance, and strategy. With their wealth of practical experience, they will navigate you through the maze of launching your business.

Small working group.

One-on-One Consulting

Work with one of our business consultants to turn your business idea into a viable plan. Our consultants will assist you with crafting your business strategy, completing your financial projections, creating a marketing and operating plan, and anything else you may need to get your business started. All one-on-one consultations are personalized, confidential, and targeted to your business.

Specialized Training Programs

The OCIE SBDC offers in-depth cohort-style training programs that provide industry-specific guidance designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to kickstart your business journey. Plus, you will work closely with an OCIE SBDC consultant to turn your plans into tangible results, culminating in real sales opportunities.

Access to Capital

If you need capital to get your business up and running, the OCIE SBDC offers one-on-one consulting to help you prepare, package, and matchmake with a lender.  Our team of expert consultants will assist you with creating your plan, completing your financial projections and assumptions, putting together all necessary documents, and preparing you for capital. Once this has been completed, the OCIE SBDC will matchmake your business with qualified lenders throughout the country.

Market Research

The OCIE SBDC employs a team of Cal State Fullerton graduate students to conduct market research and analysis to assist your business with insight. The SBDC uses several top-tier databases to create a customized market research report that will help you with your business.