City of San Bernardino
Façade Improvement Grant

Explore the Façade Improvement Grant: Paintbrush Program.

The City of San Bernardino, in its continuing efforts to support the development of small businesses, has created the Façade Improvement Grant Program. This is a property enhancement program designed to improve the appearance of existing businesses within the city’s commercial corridors.

The purpose of this grant program is to enhance economic opportunities within the small business community and to encourage additional investment in the city’s commercial corridors. The program will help create a pedestrian-friendly, aesthetically pleasing environment for residents, visitors, and tourists, and may also create substantial economic benefits for merchants and property owners as a result of increased interest and activity.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Facilitate commercial revitalization.
  • Stimulate private investment and customer patronage.
  • Generate shopping opportunities and create a pleasant walking environment by improving the visual aesthetics of commercial building façades.

In May 2021, the U.S. Department of Treasury allocated funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) to the City of San Bernardino for COVID-19 response, relief, and reinvestment. The City Council allocated one million dollars ($1,000,000) for the Façade Improvement “Paintbrush” Program. These funds are to be used to enhance economic opportunities within the small business community and to encourage additional investment in the city’s commercial corridors.

The City’s Economic Development Department will be responsible for oversight of the Grant Program and disbursement of funds will take place through the City’s Finance Department. The City’s Program Partner, the SBDC, will be responsible for program administration, application processing, one-on-one consulting, and for review and approval of financial and business documentation for disbursement approval. City staff are obligated to fulfill the terms and conditions of the funds as established by the City Council, these program guidelines, and Federal, State, and local rules and regulations.

Open for business prior to March 13, 2020, and still in business.$20,000
Open for business between March 14, 2020 – May 11, 2023, still in business, and open for a minimum of 6 months prior to applying.$10,000

The Orange County Inland Empire Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC) offers business consulting, training, and online courses to entrepreneurs and business owners throughout the Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties at no cost. The SBDC strives to provide solutions and opportunities for all small businesses to become successful. 

Business consulting with the SBDC is aimed at assisting small businesses with elevating their organizations to the next level. During the free business consultation session, business owners will work on creating a plan that maximizes growth opportunities as they evaluate and develop their metrics, establish benchmarks, develop teams, review financials, identify triggers, and implement strategies that promote growth. Trainees will learn how to mitigate the risks associated with expansion and gain literacy with promoting proactive growth strategies within their organization. 

Program Partner Structure

Program services provided by the SBDC will be provided at no charge to the applicant.

Completion of one (1) mandatory 1:1 business consultation meeting with an SBDC consultant. The program does not allow for the substitution of any prior consulting sessions with the SBDC. 


The City of San Bernardino anticipates that The Façade Improvement “Paintbrush” Grant Program will receive a significant number of applications. Applications will be prioritized as follows: (1) completion of the mandatory consultation with the SBDC, (2) receipt of the completed submission form and required supporting documents. Applicants will not be added to the first-come, first-serve queue until all requirements have been completed. 

Applicants will receive directions on how to schedule the one-on-one consultation session with the SBDC and instructions on how to submit required documentation. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the required steps are completed to retain eligibility for program funding. 

Consultations with the SBDC and the required document submittal must be completed within thirty (30) days of the initial application submission date, as assigned through the SBDC portal. Should an applicant not meet application requirements within 30 days of their application submission, the applicant will be dropped from the review process. If an applicant is dropped from the review process for not adhering to the 30-day deadline requirement, they are eligible to submit a new application under these same guidelines. 

Verification and Eligibility Determination 

Applicants are required to submit the initial application and all required documentation directly to the SBDC via the SBDC secured portal. Upon receipt of the application, the SBDC will assign a consultant to work with each individual applicant to facilitate the completion of the process. The SBDC will verify the applicant’s documentation in accordance with these guideline requirements. If the required documents are not submitted in a timely manner, the applicant will be dropped from the process.

Eligible Uses / Improvements 

Eligible improvements to be made with Program funds must enhance or restore the exterior physical condition or appearance of the building. Types of improvements include, but are not limited to: 

  • Exterior Signs (installation of new or repair or replacement of legally installed and mounted signs) 
  • Awnings, canopies, or sunshades (installation of new or repair or replacement of fixed metal or fabric awnings) 
  • Painting or exterior surface treatment (stucco, tile, stone, or brick replacement or repair) 
  • Asphalt paving, replacement, or repair of tiles or decorative pavers, sidewalk, or courtyard repaving (not in the public right-of-way) 
  • Repair or replacement of masonry walls or footings 
  • Outdoor lighting (installation of new exterior lighting fixtures; repair or replacement of existing exterior lighting fixtures) 
  • Installation, repair, or replacement of decorative or security fencing 
  • Replacement of plate glass windows, reglazing of windows, or change of windows 
  • Replacement or refurbishment of architectural features 
  • Rehabilitation of historical features 
  • Installation or replacement of outdoor landscaping, irrigation, and fountains 

All improvements must be visible from the public right-of-way. 

Uses NOT Eligible 

Funds may not be used for improvements that are not considered permanent or mounted or affixed to the building or the sidewalk (fixtures). Ineligible uses include, but are not limited to: 

  • Vinyl letter signage (windows); 
  • Portable signs, such as sandwich board or A-Frame signs; signs not mounted to the building storefronts; 
  • Flags or banners;
  • Benches and trash receptacles; and 
  • Tables, chairs, or umbrellas. 

Eligible Applicants 

Eligible Applicants include property owners or tenants with an active and current business license located in leased or owned commercial properties within a designated main commercial corridor within a Qualified Census Tract (QCT) throughout the City of San Bernardino or in the Downtown Core (also a QCT) as defined by the City of San Bernardino’s Façade Improvement Program Interactive Zoning Map. A QCT is an area designated by the federal government based on the income and disadvantaged levels of the community. 

A tenant, that is not the property owner, must show evidence of the right to alter the property, or provide written consent from the property owner. Written consent is accepted in the form of a letter from the property owner along with a signed and notarized Owner Authorization Form. 

Multi-Tenant Office Buildings, typically identified by common entrances, may have only one applicant (property owner or tenant) apply for a grant per parcel. Multi-Tenant Office Buildings with common entrances shall only receive one grant per parcel. Corner properties within the identified commercial corridors, that do not face the identified commercial corridor street, are subject to separate review. 

Vacant buildings are ineligible for this program. 

City employees, elected, and appointed officials, property owned and/or operated by non-taxable agencies, cannabis businesses and any unpermitted businesses are not eligible to participate in this program. 

Recipients of any previous City of San Bernardino ARPA-funded small business or nonprofit grant are ineligible for this program. 

Properties must be open to the public, free of any Code Violations, Liens, or Judgements.

Property owners or tenants are welcome to verify their location by using the City of San Bernardino’s Façade Improvement Program Interactive Zoning Map.

The application will be presented at the bottom of this webpage beginning Monday, Aug. 26, 2024 at 9 a.m. Each application must be completed in its entirety, signed, and submitted with all required documents as listed in the application, including a grant deed, signed proof of ownership or lease agreement. Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they were received. The City will maintain a waiting list for all prospective participants. Incomplete applications will be rejected and not be processed. 

The Façade Improvement Grant Program application includes information about the small business, the number of employees in the business, location of the business, amount of time in business, a Spending Plan, and demographic questions of the owner. The application and Grant Agreement will require the following attestations: 

  • The business was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • As of a minimum of six months prior to application, the small business, has a maximum of five hundred (500) employees (full and part-time); and is operating within city limits. 
  • Certification that the business can produce financial records to show the economic losses, if requested. 
  • Certification that financial loss and grant amount spending records will be available for audit when requested. The business must maintain records through December 31, 2029. 

Application Period 

Grant applications will be available in English and Spanish starting at 9 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 26, 2024. Applicants must apply via the application presented below. 

The City anticipates the number of applications will exceed the amount of funding available for disbursement. The City will disburse the $1,000,000.00 until all funds are depleted.

Review Process 

All completed applications will be date stamped when received and processed in that order. Applications will be reviewed by the SBDC to determine application completeness and preliminary eligibility. The application must be complete to be considered eligible. 

Incomplete applications will be rejected and not be processed. A notification email will be sent to applicants concerning the approval or denial of the Application. Eligible applicants will be contacted to enter into an agreement with the City. 

The Grantee will be required to provide the following as required documents for review and verification to receive the grant: 

  • Completed application; 
  • A copy of a valid City Business License; 
  • A copy of a valid business insurance policy; 
  • A copy of the current property tax bill showing paid¹; 
  • A copy of the tenant lease agreement if business (if applicable); 
  • A letter from the building/property owner/property manager stating the business is in good standing with the terms of the lease agreement (if applicable); 
  • A copy of the business’ tax returns from 2019 – present or for all years applicable to application; 
  • W-9 form which enables the City of San Bernardino to process and provide your grant funds; 
  • Planned use of funds; 
  • A signed City of San Bernardino Façade Improvement Grant Agreement, which includes business impact statement and self-certification; 
  • Information about the small business, including but not limited to, the number of employees, location, demographics of owner(s), and identification of any owner(s); and
  • Acknowledgment and self-certification of the program requirements and documentation should the applicant be selected to proceed in the application process. 
¹ Property tax bills for the subject property must be current. The property owner(s) is/are responsible for ensuring that the property taxes are current. The City will verify that the property taxes for the property are current. If the property’s tax statement indicates a delinquency at the time of the Program Application, the City shall not proceed with grant processing until it is supplied with a Certificate of Redemption from the San Bernardino County Tax Assessor’s Office or other appropriate documentation of proof of payment. 

In addition, applicants must self-certify: 

For for-profit businesses: 

The Applicant understands that it is ineligible to receive a grant under the Program if any owner of greater than 10% of the equity interest in the Applicant: (i) has within the prior three-years been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against such owner, or has had commenced any form of parole or probation (including probation before judgment), for (A) commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction, (B) violation of federal or state anti-trust or procurement statutes, or (C) commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; or (ii) is presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity, (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in subparagraph (i) above. 

Although selection is not guaranteed, businesses should begin to collect the required documentation to expedite the approval process in the event they are selected. 

The agreement will outline requirements of the project applicant that will include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Applicant must agree to clear the property of any and all items such as trash, debris, and weeds that contribute to blight; 
  • Applicant’s contractor must obtain and maintain general liability and workers’ compensation insurance; 
  • Applicant shall ensure that there shall be no discrimination or harassment of any person because of the race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, source of income, or disability of that person in the sale, lease/sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or enjoyment of the project; 
  • Applicant shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of the federal, state, and local governments; 
  • Applicant must indemnify and hold the City of San Bernardino, and its officers, employees, and agents, free and harmless from all claims, actions, damages, and liabilities; 
  • Applicant’s proposed improvements must be agreed upon by the City and Property Owner; 
  • Applicants must maintain façade improvements for a minimum of twelve (12) months following completion of approved improvements; and 
  • Applicants are subject to random inspections within the first twelve (12) months following completion of approved improvements. 

Grant Disbursement 

The application will be open on a rolling basis until all funds have been disbursed to depletion. Only one grant will be issued per applicant, per person, per business, per entity, whichever is the lesser. A business cannot receive funding from either the round-one or round-two small business grant from the ARPA-funded program. All grant funds must be dispersed by the deadline given in the ARPA guidelines. From the time the award decision is approved, and an applicant is notified, the City has ninety (90) business days to complete payment through the designated payment method. Awardees will be expected to pick up their grant check in person. Identification must be presented at the time of pick up to claim grant funds. 

Return of Funds 

In accordance with the grant terms and conditions set by the City, it is crucial that the allocated funds be utilized within the specified timeframe for project completion. The project must be completed within a six-month period, followed by a 90-day window to process payments. If the six-month deadline cannot be met, the City reserves the right to withhold grant funds. 

Program Complaint and Appeal Process 

Complaints concerning the Façade Improvement Grant Program should be made to the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Department. If unresolved in this manner, the complaint or appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the City Manager’s Office. 

1. Review the Program Guidelines to determine if your project is eligible. (Staff can assist applicants with project eligibility.)Applicant, City Staff, and Program Partner
2. Determine which Grant Amount you qualify for. (Applicants may only qualify for one amount.)Applicant and Program Partner
3. Submit application with the required documents.Applicant

4. Application Review:

  • Verify application is complete.
  • Verify the property is within a qualified Opportunity Zone Census Tract.
  • Verify there are no liens or judgements on the property.
  • Determine if the application falls into a Program Priority Area.
Program Partner and City Staff
5. Completion of one (1) mandatory 1:1 free business consultation meeting with an SBDC consultant as a part of this program.Applicant and Program Partner

6. Provide Applicant with a preliminary approval or denial of application. This step will include asking the applicant to work on identifying a contractor to work with and begin conceptual plans or elevations for project. 

City Staff
7. Send Applicant the Façade Improvement Grant Program Agreement for execution.City Staff
8. Applicant will have one (1) week to return the agreement to SBDC.Applicant

Applicant will have six (6) months from agreement execution date to complete the following steps:


9. Applicants will have up to 60 days to submit conceptual plans or elevations to the Paintbrush Program Committee for review. 

Applicant must have a contractor identified for the project by this step.

10. City provides notification of approval of conceptual plans along with required permits or comments with recommended revisions. City Staff

11. If required, applicant makes changes to the elevations and resubmits as an update to the application. 


12. Submit formal plans to Building & Safety, Land Development, and/or Planning for review and plan check (if applicable per proposed work).

Applicant and City Staff

13. Permits are obtained; improvements and/or construction begins. 

14. Inspections are obtained. Final sign off required for project to be deemed complete (if applicable per proposed work).Applicant
15. The City has 90 business days to complete payment and issue grant funds. Processing of grant funds will occur when façade improvements are completed by the selected qualified contractor.City Staff
16. Submit before and after photos to Economic Development at


Applicants are free to select their contractor(s). The chosen contractor must comply with the City’s requirements for contractors. The City reserves the right to obtain additional bids/estimates to determine the validity of the proposed project. 

Contractor Requirements 

The City shall maintain a file for each contractor performing work pursuant to the terms and conditions of this program. The file shall include the following information: 

  • Copies of the contractor’s current California Contractor’s License; 
  • Copy of contractor’s City Business License; 
  • Copies of the contractor’s current liability and worker’s compensation insurance policies; and 
  • Provide a subcontractor list as applicable. 


Any contractor with an expired General Liability and/or Workers Compensation insurance or a valid state contractor’s license shall be removed from the job until he/she is able to provide proof of current insurance and/or license. All contractors shall be required to obtain a City Business License prior to the issuance of a building permit.

Contractor Payment 

Payments for work being completed as outlined within the scope of the Façade Improvement Grant “Paintbrush” Program Agreement will be made directly to the selected qualified contractor per the requirements listed above. 

Prevailing Wage 

To the extent applicable to the project, all contractors and agents hired by the Owner/Tenant shall comply with California Labor Code Section 1720 (“Prevailing Wage Laws”) and shall be responsible for carrying out the requirements of the law. Owners/Tenants participating in the Façade Improvement Program are solely responsible for determining whether Prevailing Wage Laws apply to the project. 

In California, private projects that are funded through public subsidies will be subject to Prevailing Wage Law. Projects that exceed $25,000.00 will be subject to California Prevailing Wage Law. 

Ineligible Contractors 

In accordance with City guidelines, the applicant(s) shall not award any contract for work, to any contractor who does not have a valid state contractor’s license, or who cannot produce sufficient evidence of current Worker’s Compensation and Liability Insurance coverage. 

All owners/builders, or any member of the applicant’s family or extended family, are considered ineligible, regardless of credentials or license. Any ineligible contractor found working at the job site will be removed immediately, without compensation. 

All necessary planning, building, encroachment, and other permits must be secured before construction is initiated. 

  • Planning, Building, and Land Development Permits can be obtained from the City of San Bernardino Public Counter located at 201B North E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401. 
  • Encroachment Permits are required for any project that permanently or temporarily encroaches on the public right of way, including temporary construction that requires workers, materials, and/or scaffolding to be on the city sidewalk. This includes work on doors, windows, awnings, painting, signs, and outdoor eating areas. Please contact Public Works with any questions and/or to obtain an encroachment permit. 

All applicants will have six (6) months from the execution date of the agreement to complete the façade improvements. See Program Steps outlined above. 

If the project is near completion and requires an extension to complete, the project will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by staff. 

The City reserves the unqualified right, in its sole and absolute discretion at any time: (1) to amend or terminate this program with no recourse for any proposing applicant; (2) to choose or reject any or all applications received in response to this program; (3) to modify the application deadlines; (4) to request additional information of the applicants as deemed necessary and appropriate by the City; (5) to conduct further due diligence with applicants or any third party; (6) to modify the City’s objectives or the scope of the program; (7) to modify program requirements, general terms and conditions, or eligible activities; and/or (8) to disqualify any proposing applicant on the basis of any real or perceived conflict of interest that is disclosed or revealed by materials submitted or by any data available to the City. 

City employees, elected, and appointed officials, and commercial cannabis businesses are not eligible to participate in this program. 

The city of San Bernardino and the SBDC shall not discriminate upon the basis of sex, age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, marital status, ancestry, or physical handicap in accepting applications and processing program applications. 

Financing Assistance 

If applicant is pursuing financing for their facade improvements, the City will provide a copy of the fully executed Façade Improvement Grant Agreement with a cover letter explaining the parameters of the program to the applicant’s lender in order to assist them in obtaining the financing. 

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 

SBA provides support to entrepreneurs and small business owners through funding programs and resources. For information on their programs please visit 

For additional information regarding the Round Two Small Business Grant Program, please contact the following:

City of San Bernardino Economic Development Department

201 North E Street, 3rd Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92401


For questions about the guidelines and application or assistance in completing the application, please contact:

Orange County Inland Empire SBDC Network

Paul Nolta, director, Inland Empire SBDC


Important Note

Applying does not guarantee approval. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and only those applications meeting all program objectives, including the 1:1 Consultation and design guidelines, will be approved. All approvals will be subject to the availability of funds from the City.

Failure to meet any of the above deadlines could result in ineligibility to continue in the grant program.

City of San Bernardino Facade Improvement Grant

Mike Daniel is the network director of the Orange County Inland Empire SBDC Network, which assists aspiring entrepreneurs and current business owners throughout Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Mike was formerly the director of the SBDC office at Long Beach City College. As business owner and entrepreneur himself, he started his career as the owner of a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory location in Manhattan Beach and went on to open a second location in Long Beach in 2001. In 2007, Mike sold the Manhattan Beach store for an above-market offer then invested in several additional locations as a minority shareholder. Mike further expanded his candy empire with venture located in Shoreline Village in Long Beach called Sugar Daddies Sweet Shoppe, based on fill-it yourself candy options.

Mike has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from California State University, Fullerton.