4 Marketing Resolutions to Make This Year

The beginning of each New Year finds many individuals and business owners creating “New Year’s Resolutions”.  The biggest challenge with both personal and business “resolutions” is that we either make too many of them, they are unrealistic, we don’t put them down on paper, and then they get forgotten and never accomplished.

When it comes to marketing your business I recently read a blog on the SBA’s website by Rieva Lesonsky that talked about 4 Marketing Resolutions to make for the New Year.  They included resolving to:  write a marketing plan, make you marketing consistent throughout the year, keep learning new things, and do marketing research.  While I agree with the 4 resolutions I would include the marketing research component in the “write a marketing plan” section as your marketing plan needs to be based on valid and current data.  Then I would change the focus of the 4th resolution from just “do marketing research” to include the periodic evaluation of your marketing plan against not only the results of your consistent marketing strategies but any changes in the demographics of your target area/customers.

To read the full blog, click https://www.sba.gov/community/blogs/guest-blogs/industry-word/4-marketing-resolutions-make-year.  Contact IESBDC business Consultant, Louisa Miller, at 760-951-1592, if you would like to talk about implementing these or your own “marketing resolutions”.

Looking to start or grow your business?

We at the Orange County Inland Empire SBDC, are here to help you with every aspect of your business to help it grow and become successful.
Give us a call at 1-800-616-7232 or schedule a quick, 15-minute intake appointment at ociesbdc.org/consultation to see how we can help you start, grow, and succeed.

4 Marketing Resolutions to Make This Year

Mike Daniel is the network director of the Orange County Inland Empire SBDC Network, which assists aspiring entrepreneurs and current business owners throughout Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Mike was formerly the director of the SBDC office at Long Beach City College. As business owner and entrepreneur himself, he started his career as the owner of a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory location in Manhattan Beach and went on to open a second location in Long Beach in 2001. In 2007, Mike sold the Manhattan Beach store for an above-market offer then invested in several additional locations as a minority shareholder. Mike further expanded his candy empire with venture located in Shoreline Village in Long Beach called Sugar Daddies Sweet Shoppe, based on fill-it yourself candy options.

Mike has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from California State University, Fullerton.