Commitment (noun): willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity, or something you believe in.
Commitment is what drives your ability to do the impossible: start your own small business. You’ve gotten this far through your hard work and dedication, but keeping up the momentum through the difficult times is where commitment really comes into play.
Keep reading for some reminders of what you’ve done and what you can continue to do to be committed to your small business goals.

What Commitment Looks Like For You
Not all small businesses or small business owners look the same. That means that commitment to your business will also look different. Don’t compare your goals and expectations to others’. Define what commitment looks like to you. Try answering these three questions to more clearly define the commitment within yourself.

What Do You Want?
You can’t commit to something until you know what that something is. Clearly define what you want and go from there.

Why Does it Matter?
You started your small business for a reason: you want to make a difference. Keep that in mind when you need more inspiration to stay committed. Keeping your motivation in an entity outside of yourself can help drive you to do more in your business.

Who Does it Benefit?
As with any business, your intent is to fill a hole in your industry. Knowing your customer and what they can gain from your business can be another driving force to keeping you committed.

Signs You’re a Committed Entrepreneur
You’re Never Not Working
Small businesses require a lot of time and dedication. Sometimes that means you have to work nights and weekends, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You know your success will depend on your hard work and you’re driven by that.
You Take Pride in Your Business
Not just anybody can own their own business. You are strong and aren’t afraid of hard work. You don’t need a lot of positive feedback to keep going because you’re doing it all on your own.
You’re Flexible
Your small business doesn’t run normal hours. Some days you’re working from dusk till dawn; others you feel slow and that’s okay. You know that what you started off with may not be what your business ends up as, but you’re growing into a success.
You’ll Try Anything (Including Working With Our Consultants)
Owning your own business means trying new things. Some of your business requires some trial and error, but you’re totally okay with asking for help. You know that getting help from your friends, family, and our consultants will help you in the long run, and you’re open to others’ ideas and opinions.
You’re Not Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty
As a small business owner, you can’t just sit back and wait for something to happen. Sometimes you have to do all the work. You might be cleaning one day, heavy lifting the next, and learning new skills online the day after that. You’re a jack of all trades when it comes to your industry and you’re happy to learn to be an expert in everything you need to do.
You’re Passionate About What You Do
Your small business is hard work, make no mistake. But to you, it doesn’t feel like work. You got into your industry for a reason: you love it. You want to make a difference. You’re committed to making a splash and giving your customer something unique. Stay committed to what drives you and it may never feel like work.
Commitment isn’t easy. It’s not supposed to be. It takes hard work to stay dedicated to your goals. Luckily, if you’re having a hard time reinvigorating your commitment, our network is here to help you. You can schedule a consultation to get paired with one of our expert consultants who can work with you to refine your goals and hone your skills so you can make your small business the success you’ve already worked so hard for.
Click here to learn more about our amazing consultants.