Even if you’re not a microbrew aficionado like Devon Sanchez, founder and owner of Desert Beer Company, you probably know that the recipe for crafting a great beer requires a few essential ingredients, like water, hops, and barley. In Sanchez’s case, however, transforming his beer-making dreams into reality not only took passion and hard work, it necessitated a worthwhile journey that would hone his talent and fervor.
Sanchez’s decades-long affinity for craft beer started back when he practiced homebrewing during his college days. While the degree he earned in Political Science took him on an early detour away from his future pursuit, he soon found himself soaking in all the wine-making and beer-making knowledge he could at Alderbrook Winery, Faultline Restaurant Brewery, Tiedhouse Restaurant Brewery, and Hermitage Brewing Company in the Bay Area. When at Alderbrook he made important contacts at Awatere River Wine Company, where he worked the opposite season harvest in Marlborough, New Zealand.

While his winemaking experience “down under” led to opportunities in beer-making, Sanchez got the chance to return home to be part of the opening of Coachella Valley Brewing Company. There, he got to touch all aspects of launching a business, plus refine and round out his expertise for keeping a private brewery afloat.
When he ventured out to start the Desert Beer Company in 2018, all his accumulated experience and inspiration served him well; however, Sanchez still needed to find the capital to get his doors open and taps flowing. So, he sought assistance with the SBDC Coachella Valley and was put in touch with SBDC business consultant Mike Pagani. With nearly four decades in building, starting, buying and selling businesses, as well as in commercial lending, Mike was able to provide the crucial advice and connections for which Devon Sanchez was looking.
“Knowing that the megabanks rarely lend to startups,” said Mike Pagani, “and rather than attempt to place this loan among our out-of-town lenders, I approached a local lender who was seeking to expand their SBA lending activities. The bank and the loan officer did an exceptional job providing Devon with the necessary capital to get his business going.”
Desert Beer Company’s grand opening took place on October 25th and was presented by the Coachella Valley SBDC and its partners.

Desert Beer Company is located at 77770 Country Club Drive, Suite D, Palm Desert, CA 92211.