By: Linda Duffy
Hiring independent contractors can be mutually beneficial for employer and contractor as both seek independence from a traditional employer-employee relationship. However classifying contractors correctly isn’t always easy and the Department of Labor (DOL) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are cracking down on employee misclassification.
Even for the most well-meaning employers there can be confusion and liability. For example, the employee turned contractor who leaves the company for more work flexibility; the contractor who was filling in only to grow into a more regular position; or the contractor that must access company resources to complete his or her assignment; adds layers of confusion that can make a company vulnerable to regulations, penalties and tax issues.
To learn more about hiring employees or independent contractors attend the upcoming workshop presented by Linda Duffy titled Hiring for Success – six critical factors every small business owner should know.
About Linda Duffy
As the Founder and President of Ethos Human Capital Solutions, Linda is a trusted human resources advisor to businesses in the areas of recruiting, strategic HR consulting, training, and mentoring. Known as The People Problem Solvers™, she develops strategies for business owners to get the right people, systems, and culture in place to achieve their goals.