Pictures are a fantastic way to attract attention to your business and are helpful at making those blog posts standout. Here are three tips to consider when selecting those pictures for your next social marketing campaign:
1. Feature photos submitted by your customers or snap active photos of your customers using your products. Choose those that are creative, fun, and best represent the heart of your brand.
2. Take headshots of your staff that prominently displays their personalities. Avoid crossed arms and legs as they make people appear unapproachable, and be aware of shadows and light that can alter appearance. Try taking pictures using natural sunlight, like shady places outside.
3. Use relevant props to uniquely display your product, and crop pictures to help focus attention on the main ideas. The goal of using pictures in your marketing is to capture your audience’s attention by sparking their interest in your business. Done right and your pictures can profoundly impact your marketing strategy.
Need to edit your photos before sharing? Check out, a free photo editing tool you can use to get those pictures ready to show off to the world!”